Tuesday 21 July 2020

Advantages of Association

Advantages of Association

# Many associations donate to charity events and provide member volunteer support and participation as a group.

# Networking opportunities.

# They provide you with an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals and entrepreneurs in your field.

# Enhanced benefits programs: (Some associations offer members access to group health care benefits and other perks as a reward for your investment.)

# Networking platform for knowledge share, discussion, exposure and ideation in the field of Housekeeping.

# Inside access to innovations and new developments. Associations let you stay on top of new products, services and innovations within your industry, helping you maintain a competitive and informational edge.

# Opportunities to give back to the community. You can use your membership to share your knowledge with other member businesses and promote a stronger sense of community cooperation

Monday 20 July 2020

Forming an association/society under Society Registration Act, 1860

Association Registration, under The Society Registration Act 1860

Topic 1: Purpose of forming an association.
According to section 20 of Society Act, 1860, a society registration can be done for following purposes:

   #Promotion of fine arts
    #Diffusion of political education
    #Grant of charitable assistance
   # Promotion of science and literature
    #Creation of military orphan funds
    #Maintenance or foundation of galleries or public museum
    #Maintenance or foundation of reading rooms or libraries
   # Promotion or diffusion or instruction of useful knowledge
    #Collections of natural history
    #Collections of mechanical and philosophical inventions, designs, or instruments

Topic 2: Steps for Registering a society

# A Society can be created by a minimum of 7 or more persons.

# Founded by more than one

# Society registration is maintained by state governments. Thus, the application for society registration must be created to the specific authority of the state, where the registered office of society is situated. (In this case, it's Chennai)

# Select name of association, Then prepare the Memorandum, followed by Rules & Regulations of the society/Association.

Topic 3: Documents required to register a society

1. PAN Card of all the members

2. The Residence Proof of all the members of the society. The following can be used as a valid residence proof:

   #Bank Statement
    #Aadhaar Card
    #Utility Bill
    #Driving License

3. Address proof of registered office of society as well as no-objection certificate (NOC) issued by landlord.

Topic 4: Rules and Regulations

Rules and regulations of the Society also have to be prepared which will contain the following information:

1. Rules and regulations by which the working of the society will be governed and the maintenance of day to day activities.

 2. It will contain the rules for taking the membership of the society

 3. The details about the meetings of the society and the frequency with which they are going to be held is to be mentioned. (Once a year annual general meeting should be conducted)

 4. Information about the auditors

5. Forms of Arbitration in case of any dispute between the members of the society. 

6. Ways for the dissolution of the society will also be mentioned.(in case we want to dissolve the association)

7. The articles of association which also includes rules for being the members of the society, also the ways of removing a membership, general body details, subscription details, meeting details.

Once the rules have been formed, they can be changed but the new set of rules will be signed by the President, Chairman, Vice President and the Secretary of the Society.

The registration also makes it easy for the legal procedures to be taken against or for society. The registration once filed will usually take one month for completion.

Enjoy your reading :-)

Advocate Preethi N
B.Sc L.L.B

Monday 15 June 2020

Mango Icecream

Lockdown time, making good food at home is an amazing thing. I loved making ice-cream at home. 

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5

Glad to see the live release. I loved the GEAR fit. Wanting it, For testing in my hands. Whether it satisfies my necessities. Bcoz I don't accept until or unless I approve it. C.E.O supports it bcoz its his product and he have to. How can they tell that their customers needs are satisfied.
1. Increase in battery for 2800 and increase the screen size both are one and the same.
2. Camera changed from 13MP to 16MP. But it still juts out at the back of the phone and prone to scratches. (Out-standing from the phone :-P)
3. Secure finger print reader at home button offers a good fight to iPhone 5s (Samsung s5-iPhone 5s).
4. Kids mode was a decent idea.
5. 4-Colors & heart rate scanner for people with b.p, diabetics and heart problem patients are impressive.

Release date is April 21st and more details will be given later that's what they told....

Monday 9 December 2013

Yam Wafers

Yam wafers are very light snack item. Suitable for all the age groups. Because, we use (less oil) max 2-3drops of oil to spread on the plate.

Simple and easy Steps to make Yam Wafers:

1. Cut yam into thin slices
2. Apply oil to a microwavable plate
3. Arrange the sliced yams as shown in the photo
4. Microwave for 2:00mins
5. Take it out and turn all the wafers
6. Microwave again till its crispy (may be another 2&1/2min)
7. Collect it in a bowl
8. Add jeera powder, chilli powder & salt to taste
9. Close the bowl Shake it
10. Serve warm....

Sunday 11 August 2013

Paper Quilling..

My first paper Quilling that I had tried. A sample pic picked from internet as a 1st trial. So it was really awesome time to have papers all around and play with them, pick your own colors of them, thinking how to make and giving work for your brains... It's good & I want at least few people to learn this art...

My paper quilling as a greeting card to a girl baby. 

Monday 22 July 2013


Its a good exercise/habit.. Having good and bad experiences add-on to the normal life.
Meeting strangers, making friends.